If you’re looking for paid solutions to increase social media engagement, you should check out our post on buying followers. If you’re looking for organic ways to increase growth, keep reading on!
With so many businesses on social media competing for your valuable attention, it’s hard for your brand to cut through all the noise. If you’re a small business running a tight ship on resources, you may even wonder if it’s worth the effort – we won’t debate that here, but our article on social media for small businesses examines the topic more closely.
Here, instead, is another thought – what if your chance of being heard was significantly increased by just asking the right questions?
We explore smart techniques that are proven to boost your social media engagement.
Engaging questions to increase social media audience
Social media is a great marketing tool. But simply telling your readers to use social media won’t be enough; it can be a bit overwhelming on these platforms because there is so much to do. If you ask the right questions you can boost social media audience engagement and strengthen your brand identity.
Social media can be pretty powerful, and research shows that by giving your audience a reason to share your content or engage with you, it can increase your success rate to more than 90%. Whilst you need to gather multiple engaging questions to ask on social media, you should only focus on a single question or action at a time, so as not to confuse or overwhelm them. A study by Buddy Media revealed that people respond best to one or two posts per day, as opposed to three or more. With one or two posts per day you’ll benefit from a 40% higher user engagement rate.
Remember, make it easy for people to engage with you.
If you are looking to grow your audience, you need to boost social media engagement. Social media is a powerful platform that gives you a direct line to your customers, leads and followers. But establishing a firm brand reputation all starts with asking the right questions so you know how to steer your brand’s marketing efforts.
Here is a list of engaging questions to ask on social media:
1. How can we help?
If you are not sure what to post with your next update, just ask your audience how you can be of service. Listen to what they have to say. A recent study showed that 70% of consumers want brands to respond to their questions and concerns on social media. Plus, they want a quick reply – so keep this in mind.
2. How was our performance?
This is a great question to ask any audience. It shows that you value their feedback and that you need their support. If they have negative feedback, you can improve. If they have positive feedback, you know which tactics work.
3. Did you know?
This is a great way to attract a response. Challenge them with a question; people love challenges and will try to answer them. This will help boost social engagement.
4. What do you think?
People have opinions and they love to share them on social media. Ask them what they think about something specific and give them the opportunity to answer. Whether they enjoy it, rant a bit or even gloat, it will give them something to talk about.
5. Do you want to win a prize?
Contests and prizes are always exciting. If you give them a chance to win something, you’ll almost always get their attention. It’s like giving them an incentive to take action.
6. Have you seen this?
With this question you should post an image. You can give them a sneak peek into something new, or ask their opinion on a trending topic. They might just respond or try out what you have to offer.
7. Are you watching?
People are watching their favourite content on television, their computer and even smartphone. Plus, they will likely chat about what they are watching since they are connected on social media most of the day. It’s another opportunity to connect with your audience.
8. Will you be attending the event?
This is a great way to establish interest. You can get an idea of how people view an event and whether they find the topic interesting.
9. Choose your favourite photo
People love photos. Post a few and ask your followers to choose their favourite one.
10. Want to help us answer a fan question?
This is a great way to get followers involved and give them an opportunity to voice their opinion. You can let them post what they feel the best answer is, and it might just be very helpful.
11. What motivates you?
It’s time to get personal with your followers. Talk about their interests and give them a chance to open up. You can also use this to learn more about the people who follow you.
12. What’s your favourite book?
This again is something that might just peak their interest. It’s about them and what they love to do. People love to share and they’ll talk about their latest book or movie and see what others have to say.
13. Fill in the blank
This is also a challenging question and people love the challenge. It tests their knowledge and they can share what they know on a subject with others. You can choose something popular or something more difficult to keep them guessing.
14. Which do you like most?
Here you can show two different products and ask them which one they like most. It will give you the opportunity to get valuable feedback and get to know your audience better.
15. Ask us anything!
You can hold a Q&A session for your social media followers. Give them the opportunity to connect with you directly and ask you anything they want.
16. What is a good caption for this?
Share an image and ask your followers to give it an interesting caption. You might just get a few hilarious responses and also a few sharp ones.
17. What can we do for you today?
Offer your services or your help. People want to know that you’ll help them solve some sort of problem or challenge. This will also help to boost engagement on your social media profiles.
18. Today is our birthday! How should we celebrate?
This is a timely question and applies to a specific date or occasion. Get their input and be sure to respond to as many posts as you can.
19. True or false?
People love facts. They also love to challenge their knowledge. Ask them a true or false question, it can even be something related to your specific industry or area of interest.
20. Like this if you…
This is a popular post. Choose something tempting that will get them to respond.
21. Help us choose our new slogan
Ask your followers if they have any unique ideas for a new slogan or brand image. They can give their input and they’ll appreciate that you’ve given them the chance to weigh in.
So, to wrap up
Social media engagement is really about giving your followers and fans what they want. If you have the right content and know engaging questions to ask on social media, you’ll be able to boost social media engagement, thereby boosting your brand.
A big part of any successful social media campaign is publishing the right website content, and this is where we come in. Our experts at The Content Works can help you create valuable and optimised content for all your social media needs, small or big. Give us a call on 0207 305 55 99 or email hello@thecontentworks.net to speak to us about how we can get your social media campaign on track.